Lean Library

Feature List

We cover the parts other solutions cannot reach.

We are the most comprehensive access solution on the market. We cover the parts of access many other solutions don’t e.g.

  • domain level authentication through all major authentication systems like proxy (any solution that does not offer this covers only 20% of libraries worldwide)
  • ebooks (any solution that does not offer this can only cover 50% of most libraries’ digital holdings).
We’ve used Lean Library for several years and I’m going to be honest – it’s one of my favourite bits of library technology!
Matthew Smith Academic Librarian, University of East Anglia


Mobile app
Available on iOS, coming soon to Android
Available on all browsers
All your patrons can benefit.


Complete user anonymity
No login required and no personal data needed


ToC Alerts
Allows patrons to quickly subscribe to journal feeds.
Open Access alternatives
Through partnerships with Unpaywall and CORE, Lean Library an OA database of over 30 million free articles across over 50,000 publishers. This saves an average of £30k pa for a mid-sized institution.

Comprehensive Access

eBook coverage
We are the only access solution to cover ebooks – 50% of the average library’s digital holdings.
Available for all library resources via proxy support
We extend far beyond PDFs and DOIs to cover 100% of your digital holdings.
Link resolver support
Streamlines your Inter-Library Loan or Document Delivery Service offering, capturing all the information required at the point of need.
Link resolver support
Available for all authentication methods, including OpenAthens and Shibboleth
Multiple patron affiliations available
This means your patrons can use multiple authentications, e.g. if they have different access at a faculty and institution level.

Library Promotion

Library branding
We deliver library branding into the workflow an average 100,000 times per year per medium-sized institution, highlighting wherever the library supports its patrons in providing resources.
Library communication anywhere
Our browser extension allows you to deliver tailored messages to your patrons on any learning or research website. This is often used to address access issues (e.g. an ongoing publisher negotiation), solicit resource feedback (e.g. to inform your collections strategy) and generally direct patrons to your library support options.

Easy to Use

Librarian configuration dashboard
Intuitive tool to configure your instance of Lean Library, such as use of your library branding, the delivery of library messaging in your patrons’ workflows and more.
Librarian and patron support team
We provide support throughout the year, whenever you need it. This includes our Library Value Report, which gives you an annual healthcheck on your Lean Library usage.


Google scholar integration for 1-click access
Our integration delivers a library-branded link to the PDF from within Google Scholar directly
PubMed integration for 1-click access
Our integration delivers a library-branded link to the PDF from within PubMed directly


Patron insights dashboard
Intuitive dashboard to track usage data across your patrons.